Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Muay Thai

Women's Open Mats

Women’s Open Mats

Women-only Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training in Arlington, VA

Kogaion Academy is proud to host two weekly women’s BJJ open mats in Arlington, VA. We know women from academies all around the East Coast love and appreciate their male training partners but can get some extremely productive and tough rolls with other skilled women, especially from different academy styles and pedagogy. Any female grappler with one year of experience or more from any school or affiliation is welcome to our women’s open mats for free.

Guidelines and What to Expect

  1. 10 rounds x 6 minute rounds, 45 seconds in between.

  2. Anyone can stop rolling at any point, for any reason.

  3. If it’s your first time training with someone, briefly discuss expectations (leglocks, injuries, intended intensity)

  4. A competitive training environment with skilled training partners.

  5. Everyone’s priority is to become more skillful, not to win. We are all friends and want all parties to have fun and productive rounds!

  6. One year of experience is required. Blue belt level or above is strongly recommended.

  7. Repeated injury by the same person, even on accident, will result in that person being asked to leave.

Visit our Instagram @dmvwomensbjj to see all of the (200+!) previous open mats hosted since early 2022.